Shad Meshad
Shad Meshad is a voice that encourages empathy for Veterans because he witnessed so much in Vietnam, as well as the shock of coming home to (at times) a hostile and dangerous homecoming from Americans.
Not only is Shad a soldier; he is also a mental health clinician and expert in PTSD. In this episode, we get to hear Shad's insight and stories of wartime; as well as what things Veterans need to survive and thrive after coming home.
National Veterans Foundation:
Blog on the Huffington Post:
CALL Life Line for Vets: 888.777.4443
Book: Captain for dark mornings: A true story:
President and Founder of the National Veterans Foundation
Shad has been advocating for Veterans’ rights and mental health for over 40 years and has been considered the “founding father” of PTSD studies in Veterans. Shad also consults and teaches stress reduction and anger management techniques to mental health, law enforcement, and critical incident professionals through Quantum Performance Institute, a firm he established in 2001. He continues his work with Veterans in the Los Angeles area, helping them through the process of healing and readjustment. Shad raises awareness about the issues returning Veterans face at his regular blog at the Huffington Post.
(Left to Right) Shad Meshad, Sara Correll, and Joe Hudak
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